I am an avid blogger. I have been writing my own personal blog for about two years. I have found that it is a great way for my to share my thoughts and ideas with an audience that used to just consist of my colleagues that worked in the same school as me. People from all parts of the world read my blog and from time to time they even leave comments. I have a widget on my blog that allows me to see where visitors to my blog are from. There is one on this blog as well.
Blogging is a very powerful way for students (or anyone) to share their ideas with the world. I prefer it over discussion boards because we can vastly expand our audience on a blog. Discussion boards exist inside our classroom and are "closed" to people from the outside. Discussion boards have their place, but to truly help you be a global learner you need a global audience with whom you can interact.
There will be times during the year that I post discussion questions on here for you to ponder. Since I will use this blog for my two online classes as well as my face-to-face students the questions will usually be general in nature and not so much subject specific. The best blog posts are the ones that do not have right or wrong answers, but ask for you to take a stance. If there are any topics that you are just itching to discuss please let me know via email and I will see what I can do about giving you a platform to use to post your thoughts. I am also open to letting you "guest blog" on this blog as well. This means you will write a post and I will have your peers respond to you. Obviously, there will be guidelines that you must follow if you were to do this.
What are your thoughts on sharing your ideas and interacting with people that you don't know? What are some of the benefits of hearing a wide variety of ideas? Please write a minimum of 6 sentences in response to answer these questions. You need to select Name/URL when posting. Only use your first name and last initial. More than likely you do not have a URL so don't fill it in. Also----I highly recommend you write your response in Word then copy and paste your reply and save it just in case.
My thought on blogging is that it is a very good way to share your thought and beliefs. It is also a good way to get things off your mind. The benefits of Blogging would be learning from others the post on your blog. I have never used blogging but many people i know do. It is a great way to share feelings and have a conversation with other people, and you never have to give out your name.