Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Freedom of Speech Gone Too Far?

Click here to read the article about a congregation at a church in Florida. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea? What do you think the purpose of this demonstration is? Is there a more productive manner in which this group (and others) could pay tribute to the victims that were killed on September 11, 2001?

Remember this is a space where you are free (and encouraged) to disagree, but you must follow the AUP guidelines when doing so. All comments on this blog are moderated which means I must approve them before they are published. I will NOT publish anonymous comments. You must use your first name and last initial.


  1. I don't think the pastor Terry Jones should burn the Quran bible. Why would you do that? It's just going to cause problems around the world. Does he WANT another terrorist attack? How would he feel if someone just decided to burn his religion's bible? I bet he wouldn't like it!

    It's ridiculous how the Pastor doesn't care about the safety of our troops, let alone the American population itself. He says burning the Qur'an bible is showing respect to all the people killed on September 11th; yet he doesn't know any of the names of those killed. He's only looking at the WHITE AMERICANS that were killed and not every other person. Like the Muslims that were killed. He'd be disrespecting them and burning the book they believed in. I don't care who you are, you don't burn down someone's religion, just because one person in that religion decided to go crazy. Nobody's perfect; including the Pastor. He's stupid and I don't think he should be a Pastor. Wrong decision Terry Jones!!!

  2. I believe that the church group should not burn the Qu'ran all Muslims are being targeted when it was a select few that caused 9/11. By burning the Qu'ran it is just stooping down we should remember and mourn the lives lost on 9/11. Not only would it be morally incorrect it would put OUR troops in danger. troops are already in danger why would we want to put them in more danger they are already putting there lives on the line for our country then don't need to have there neck on the line because a church group thinks its ok to burn the qu'ran what would that church group think if muslims started burning the bible? its just a ratical and incorrect act

  3. Freedom of speech is important, but to burn a Qur’an isn’t freedom of speech. I mean America freaked when Sinead O’Connor ripped a picture of the pope, if the group from Florida were to really burn it, there would be a lot of chaos. We still have troops over there that could get seriously injured from offended Muslims, now I’m not saying all Muslims would react in such a way but if someone in America were to burn a Qur’an I’m sure at least 2% of the Muslim population would cause a ruckus.

    Jones’ said that he’s offended when they burn a flag or a bible, well then why would he want to offend them in the same way? He says their welcome but can’t enforce their laws. I say a religions a religion no matter what they should all be treated equal.

    We’re supposed to love everyone, not hate and this is just prejudice! Burning a Qur’an wouldn’t just offend Muslims, but anyone who actually treats everyone equal. Bible pushers are the most hypocritical people in my view. Jones’ says that this is the vision to go around and preach the Lord, well if you can preach your God, why cant the Muslims do the same?
    Jones’ boasts about never reading the Qur’an, why in the world would you burn something you’ve never read?! I have personally read translated parts of the Qur’an and it is deep and good.
    They DESERVE a mosque in the states and ground zero is a perfect place for one, it would show that the U.S. isn’t racist… but no, we are too proud of a country to do that. I think it would bring peace, we would be seen as more cultural.

    Plus burning the Qur’an on 9/11 of all days is just ridiculous, we are already mourning for lost civilians, if you burned it on that day… all hell would break lose.

  4. Pastor Terry Jones and his church group should not burn the Qur'an because it could put our American soldiers at risk just like the Military General stated. Also burning the Qur'an isn't right. Would the pastor like it if the Muslims burnt the Bible? Probably not.

  5. I think it is wrong for anyone, especially someone who is suppose to show religious tolerance, to do something like burn a Quran. I feel that doing that would just cause more problems than solve anything.

  6. I think that the church group should not burn the Qur'an. The thought of disrespecting the islamic bible is horrible considering we have troops in islamic countries. All it will do is anger muslims. Its all hes trying to do.

  7. After the pastor was warned that this burning of the Qur’an would cause problems for our soldiers he had still said he was going to burn. Even after he stated that this burning of the Islamic bible was to honor the women and men that died on 9/11/01, The reporter stated that there was three citizens that died in the twin towers falling and instead of honoring them he was dishonoring him. We have no right to burn there bibles it a childish idea.

  8. i think that this guy is taking it too far that is really disrespectful. He is disrespecting not only the radical Islam but all the rest of the muslims. This guy say that it is to honor the people that died in 9/11 but there were Muslims from the U.S that died on 9/11 that had nothing to do with terrorism.

  9. I believe that even thinking about burning the Qu"ran is a bad idea. Because no one has burned his bible for him to be reacting this way. The question that i have is why would he want to burn it? what is he gaining the only thing he may be gaining is more trouble for the U.S. Burning the Qu'ran would not make the people that were lost on 9/11 any happier.
    We may not allow another terrorist attack but If this event would have taken place i am sure that a terrorist attack would have been attempted. in the end i am glad that this event did not take place.

  10. I thought that burning the Qu'ran would do nothing about honoring that lives that where lost on 9/11 I believe that if anything burning the Qu'ran would be dishonoring those who died on that tragic day.
    I also think that if he was to burn the Qu'ran it would just make all of the muslims hate the americans even more then they already do and make them think that all americans are cold hearted and all of the american soliders would have to pay for the burning of the Qu'ran in there blood or someone else's.

  11. I think that this was a bad idea because, now Muslims think Americans do not have respect for them. I feel that this man should be praised by no one because, he is wrong. If someone even knows the ideas is going to put lives in danger why do it. I also think it is a sign of disrespect towards the victims of 9/11. I believe that Terry Jones was just doing this as an act for publicity.I think he knew that what he was doing could endanger the lives of the troops and knew he was not going to go threw with his plans.
    He could have shown the victims of 9/11 a tribute in a different way. I mean of course seriously your a pastor of a church. He could have held a vigil. HE also could have also said a prayer. On the video he did not even know one name of a victim of 9/11. I mean the victims family might not have appreciated this. Especially those who were Muslim victims. We do not no more act of violence towards America so why start one. I just hope the people of Islam do not think that all Americans are like this. I mean not all of them do but, now what do they have to say after hearing someone is going to burn their book of religion. One day it would be nice if everyone could come to together without hatred towards each others: race, nationality, language and many more. Well that's all i can really say.

  12. I believe that even thinking about burning the Qu"ran is a bad idea. Because no one has burned his bible for him to be reacting this way. The question that i have is why would he want to burn it? what is he gaining the only thing he may be gaining is more trouble for the U.S. Burning the Qu'ran would not make the people that were lost on 9/11 any happier.
    We may not allow another attack but i am sure that there will be an attempt. everyone in this country deserves to be free and express there freedom of religion. That is what America is about. as long as they do not harm us in anyway i do not see what pastor Jones problem seems to be. When he was on the news he did not even have enough reasons to what to burn the Qu'ran. He did do it for publicity and he got it.

  13. I really think this guy was doing this for attention and was never going to do it, but even the thought of it is just not right if someone were to burn your holy bible that as low as it gets to some ones religion I’m sure if the Muslims decided to burn his bible he would get all mad and cry about it, people like this guy really shouldn’t be religiously involved people like this guy get hurt for the stupid things they do. And think about it he’s suppose to be a so called pastor what kind of pastor does something like this, there’s alot of ignorant people like this in the U.S. and these kind of people make your country look bad, well I think they make it look bad because who’s blamed when something like this happens, its not just the persons doing it that’s blamed it’s the entire country and people need to understand that as people we represent the country no matter who we are all the way down to the janitor at a school we represent this country, and if people could understand that then just maybe we wouldn’t have so many ignorant people like we do.
    Also media, it’s not just the pastor that did wrong if the media would of just ignored and not made it look like a big deal like they did it wouldn’t of hurt, they could of handled it discreetly rather than have the media all over it that just what he wanted and well he got it, media is bad in the U.S. they make the story bigger than it is don’t get me wrong this guy burning the book is pretty bad but the media posted it all over the world why do this? If he burned it than he burned it o well nothing we could do about it but why in the world should have the media put it all over the world the Muslim might of not even of known if it weren’t for the media. So at the end of this all who’s to blame? This guy has freedom of speech as do we all and he was making his statement morally wrong but he was making his statement also the media should have the media made a huge deal out of it media just made the fire bigger but who knows maybe I’m wrong.

  14. In my own opinion, i think Mr. Jones is just dumb to even think of doing something ridiculous like burning the Qur'an. It really don't have a real point behind it besides just causing more problems between the United States and Iraq. I think its just stupid honestly, it gets me mad because hes not really thinking about our troops we have over there, plus not are all Muslims bad people. Its just wrong.

  15. I don't agree with the burning of the Qu'ran but I'll defend his right to do it. I was happy to find out that he didn't do it. The burning would of done more harm to the US and the soldiers over seas.I never thought that he was really going to do it. It was just a stunt to get attention and it worked.

  16. My thoughts on this are that this Pastor wants to get a lot of people killed because he wants to burn the Quran and I don’t think that’s fair to the troops and to the troops family. This pastor is putting peoples lives or loved ones lives on the line and not his own. I think this is a bad idea because this pastor is going to make another terroristic attack happen or he is going to get a lot of troops killed and he says he is putting his life on the line he isn’t because he is here and not there. Me personally i think he should be locked up for trying to get people killed that's like making a terroristic threat.

    I think he just wanted to get publicity that’s why he wanted to try and burn it but I think he wasn’t going to burn it any ways he just wanted his fifteen minute of fame. It seemed to me that he didn’t care if anyone died because of his actions all he cared about was trying to burn the Quran.We can pay tribute to the people that died on 9/11 by maybe sending letters or flowers to the families of those people to show them that the world cares or something like that.

  17. I think the idea to burn the Qu`ran is really not a good idea, and i also think he should change the name of his church because i don't think the name "Dove WORLD Outreach" really means much when he is trying to burn another religion around the worlds bible. The warning from the U.S. Military must not have been that big of a deal if they were still considering the burning, and they are praying asking if its ok to burn a bible i don't know but i believe that's not something that God would approve of. I also thought that a Christian is suppose to live in Gods image especially if its a pastor but what kind of example is he setting when he is implying hate towards Islam. Tell me if im wrong but isnt God a forgiving God? Doesnt the bible say he loves everyone even the sinners? Pastor jones isnt doing anything but causing the U.S. problems and making Christians look bad. "We are burning the book," Jones said. "We are not killing someone. We are not murdering people." This statement is not true because burning the Qu`ran is endangering the troops and it will just start another war causing more people to lose their lives all because a pastor thought he was being patriotic. Jones is aware of the consequences but he still don't understand how serious this is."Our message is very clear," he said. "It is not to the moderate Muslim. Our message is not a message of hate. Our message is a message of warning to the radical element of Islam, and I think what we see right now around the globe provides exactly what we're talking about," he said. OK? a message of warning? from who? get real dude you and ur congregation are the only ones that are ok with this so how are you going to warn them when you cant do nothing, because i guarantee you wont be able to fight all the people that your “warning.” El-Amin says “The best strategy is to ignore Jones” but how can you do that when its so offensive and you try to forget but you see it everywhere you look. Whats the difference between Jones and a terrorist when he is putting everyone in danger.
