Monday, June 20, 2011

Social Bookmarking

Diigo is one of my favorite digital tools. Now that you have become acquainted with it I would like to hear your thoughts. Please touch on each of the following points in your reply:
  • How do you see Diigo helping you become more organized?
  • What is the most useful aspect of Diigo to you as a student?
  • What is one way you would use Diigo in a class that you are currently taking?
  • Think of a lesson or project that you have done at some point over the last few years. How could Diigo have been incorporated to make it easier to share information or to share resources with people in your group? Be specific.


  1. 1. I see Diigo helping me because it is way that I can take personal notes and highlight text information on websites and it will reduce the paper I use. Also I can tags all the information that I want to know and it will be on my page for later use. I think Diigo will help me stay organized and I won't have to waste a lot of paper.
    2. Well I am a Senior in High School and the one thing that most seniors do is a lot of research papers. So I see using Diigo by highlighting certain information on certain websites keeping me from having to print a lot of papers. I think it would be quicker and easier than having to print papers and trying to keep track of them.
    3. I would definitely use Diigo in my Advanced Algebra class because there are sometimes that I forget my notes in my locker and car and have no way of remembering certain equations, so if I use Diigo I can highlight the equations on the website and tag them to my diigo page so when I need an equation I can get on my Ipad and the equation will be on my diigo page.
    4. Well that is a tuff one I really don't remember anything from then. But there was this one time that I had to do a report with a group and we had a computer and saved everything on that computer and the next time we got on that same computer there was nothing from our report that we had saved on there. So if we would had diigo we could have did it on that computer and the next time if it wasn't there we could have logged into a different computer and everything would have been on Diigo.

  2. 1.) I think that diigo is a great way to organize certain things you want to look at. like if you made a bookmark of facebook then you could tag pics, friend requests, messages, and comments. this way you don't look at all the other stuff you don't want.

    2.) I think it is just a quicker way to to get to where you want to go. Also i think that if you want to look at a certain something then you could tag it and make it easier adn faster to look at>

    3.)I think if I were to use diigo in class it would be of my online assignments. for example: if I were to be doing a book report on something and i found an awesome website with all the information I needed and i didn't have the time to write it all down then I could bookmark it on diigo. This way I wouldn't have to worry about forgetting it or losing it.

    4.)I think I could have used diigo on my book reports to make it easier and less work to look up book summaries and author information. I think that i will start using diigo more now than i know it is more helpful and easier than trying to remember every website that I would want to visit again.

  3. 1.) I think Diigo is a great way to keep on track of assignments you are assigned and to make sure that they are completed. It also lets you have access to go back to sites that you may or may not remember later on during the day.
    2.) It is a very quick and effective way to get back to sites that you have visited. You may be assigned something relatable in another class and diigo allows you to find the website that you used once before to possibly help you with this new assignment.
    3.) I would only use diigo during any online class. I cannot see myself using it during any "in class" setting because I tend to use book resources for papers that I have to write rather than using the internet. That way I learn to work for information I need, rather than taking the easy way out and letting the internet do all the work for me.
    4.) A time that I could of used diigo was when I had to do a planet report for my Geology class. I had all my information on my laptop but when I went to look for the sites that I had used, they seemed to have disappeared. It was harder for me to look for them since I had to document my sources.
