Thursday, September 3, 2009

Student Privacy: CNN Student News

One of my colleagues from Maine, Mr. Byrne, shared this link on Twitter earlier today. It is a story that appeared on CNN Student News about a proposed policy in South Carolina that would require students to share their passwords for social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace.

After discussing this in class please leave your some thoughtful comments. We would appreciate outside comments from other teachers and students.


  1. My personal opinon I don’t think its right to give the school your account and password for your myspace and facebook ex… I think it is evasion of privacy and that if the really wanted to know what you did out side of school that they should talk to your parents about it. Things you do out side of school is your own life but if you brought these things to school they yes it is different but just because thing that are inappropriate on your accounts that u made out side of school doesn’t mean you do it at school or bring any of it with you to school. Some people like to lie about things they done and to make them selves look cool to there peers and classmates. I don’t think that these kids should have to give there accounts and passwords to there school. If there parents where really concerned about what they do then there parents are the ones the should have the account and passwords or to stop them from using the internet at home unless it’s for school only. Every kid around they world has there own life and personal space and the teachers should not be completely involved with it.

  2. Well basically this is a terrible idea students should be able to have separate lives outside of school to do whatever they want whenever with whoever and the school shouldn’t have a darn thing to say about it. Granted it’s a Christian high school but at the same time not all kids believe in the Christian way. The passwords and usernames might not even be Christian like. If students have to give personal usernames and passwords just to go to school, then I would find another option because this is invasion of privacy to the max! If this is what school systems have resorted to then no student will ever be happy because their school life will over run their social life. I really don’t see any alternatives to this situation other than the student finding a public school to go to. This is not a smart move by administrators because most likely kids will move out of this school just to have a social and fun time during the school year.

  3. So, I’m a little narrow minded about this, but if a school wants the students to give them their password and account name for those social networks, that, in my opinion is an invasion of privacy. What a student does on a computer at home and at school is a completely different thing. Now on the other hand, if a parent wants to know their kids password and account, it’s in some sense understandable. The parents are pretty much obligated to take care of their kids in anyway they feel necessary. Even if the school were to take the information, the students can easily go change it. So how are they really going to enforce that? As I said before, I’m a little narrow minded about this. This can easily be beneficial to both the students and the school.

  4. I don’t think the school should be able to have students give them there personal passwords for my space, Face book, or anything that people use to chat. When some one else wants to take that away from them that’s invading there privacy. It is in the constitution to have the right of privacy and when the school is trying to take that away from them it is not right. Just because the school heard something the student did over the weekend does not mean they have the right to go look it up it’s not the schools job to look after the students out of school it’s the parents right to know what there kids are doing. Even if the school finds out about it there’s nothing they can do it’s already done and over with.
    If some one asked me for my password and all of my information I can easily go in and change it before they can even get on. I think kids shouldn’t even talk about what they do over the weekend online. If you were smart you wouldn’t talk about to any one except for the people that were there or people you can trust not to say anything to any one else. Parents have the right to ask for there kids passwords but, that kid will most likely get on and change it right away that way there parents can’t see anything there doing.

  5. I really don’t think that it is necessary to give out your personal info such as your user name or password to anyone if you don’t want to, besides to your mama of course. I think that when it comes to school they shouldn’t be at all concerned of what you put on your myspace, face book, twitter, ECT. Unless it does have to do with something related to someone else in a bad way or something inappropriate that has to do with school, Even if that. Depending on the situation of why they need to look on that website they shouldn’t be all up in your business… But if it is a case where they do need to look at your personal website just because something really inappropriate dealing with someone else or school they should ask that person to log on to their site and show them everything. That would be the correct way in my own opinion. Plus, they don’t call myspace, MYspace for no reason. That’s just what I think.

  6. I think this is a big invasion of privacy. The school does not need to know the passwords to their student’s myspace or facebook. If the students was using it in school and was posting bad things that she/he shouldn’t be doing, than the school can do something about it. If the school doesn’t want students that put bad things on myspace, than the school should get a myspace look them up and if the student has things or pictures about getting drunk the past weekend or something else that they should be doing than the school shouldn’t let them in the school. To me the school just cares about their reputation. And if they think that invading their student’s privacy is going to make them have a good reputation. They are wrong, because they look pretty bad to me.

  7. The private school in South Carolina that requires students to give their website usernames and passwords is invading their privacy. They do not have the right to have their passwords or usernames, it is suppose to be private and only be accessed by the user. If schools wanted to see the students myspace, facebook, twitter, etc. then they can create an account and add the students as friends. Myspace and facebook and any other website that schools are concerned about kids using while at school should be blocked so then there wouldn’t be a need to have their passwords and usernames. And if students use these websites outside of school then it shouldn’t be a problem, just like anything else students do outside of school.

  8. I honestly think the Victory church private school should make their own account so that way they can add their students to view them to see what they think they need to see; the school should not have to have full access to ones personal life, what’s the point of privacy if you can’t have your own personals? If it’s your parents, yeah I can completely understand they have every right to know what you’re doing, not the school. Cause if that’s the case then “students! Grab your stripped or orange jump suit and cuffs, because you have no right to your own life or your own privacy.”

  9. The private school in South Carolina has it all wrong trying to get the password of all their students, not only that its wrong but it is a violation of privacy. They can find out many things being on our account. Its like how would they like it if the principal and teachers had to give them there e-mail password and find out they were saying something inappropriate. Also the fact that is a christen school no body has to be perfect. Religion is a good thing and keeping to it is even better, but no where it says that if you kill a bug its murder. To me if you want my password I want yours and just as you want to know what kind of students you have I want to know what teachers or principal I have. And if you want to know of something you heard go to the parents don’t try and be the parent. There are many ways to find the truth about the web just be smart and look or should I say, not to be lazy and look. Giving someone a password is making my own stoker on the web.

  10. I think that it is UN fair for kids to be forced to give up their personal and private stuff like passwords to my space. It’s just not right what they do at home is their on business the teachers should have nothing to do with it. Know if it was on a school site that the teachers and staff could see that is the teachers and staffs playing field. But stuff at home it is the kids and parents playing field. It’s so dumb that they are trying to treat the kids like that. They should be shut down for wanting to do that cause like I keep saying its their life so it’s a Christian school no one is perfect.

  11. I think that this is an unfair rule because the school shouldn’t be in there students personal lives. Even though it is a private school they shouldn’t have to give there school there username and password to the site. The school could just make an account to the site they want to follow the student on and add them as a friend. Then they could see what the student is posting and won’t have to get in the students personal accounts. Even though it is a Christian school the students still should have there privacy.

  12. I think its wrong for schools to know your password to your myspace, facebook, or even email addresses. They have no business for it. If you’re not on it at school then they should have no say over it. I know it’s a private school but parents pay for there students to go there. The school should have no right with any of your personal stuff at all. The school needs to worry about drug testing or something else other then worrying about passwords and emails.

  13. I think that school and someone’s’ personal life are different and should be kept separate. What someone does outside of school is their own business. I could understand that if the students were on a school computer, but they aren’t and what they do or say on their own personal time is their business. I think its an invasion of privacy. The rule is ineffective, because students could lie and say they don’t have an account or make another one. I really don’t see a point to this rule. All in all that’s what I think.

  14. The policy in South Carolina that would require students to share their passwords for social networking sites like Face book and My Space are crazy because it’s so easy for the students to lie or to go and just make a new account. It’s an invasion in privacy; I see no reason for them to need something like that but just to be nosey. To tell you the truth if it was me I would lie, there is no way that I would give them my account username and password. It’s truly wrong and unnecessary for the school to need all that information about somebody else’s private stuff. Its private for a reason, people don’t go out making accounts for there school to have there accounts and passwords because if they did nobody probably would have one.

  15. I that the students that go to that private school shouldn’t give the school their user name or password because doing things in school is one thing and doing things at home is a different story. I bet most of the students parents don’t know their own kids password or usernames and its not right that the principal of a school should know because if their parents don’t know, then why do the teachers have to check out their private stuff and what they do on the weekends and what they talk about and all that. So I think it’s not right that students have to give their private information to their school,if their own parents don’t got that .

  16. Im really not sure what I think about this whole thing about schools taking your passwords to your personal accounts. I mean yeah I think it is an invasion of privacy, but then on the other hand it is a private school which people pay a lot of money to get in to. Private schools have a higher standred of the students than public school does, and they expect their students to represent the school really well. I don't think that all the students should be forced to give up their passwords to their personal accounts in less it involves the law like if they are talking about doing drugs or something along the lines of a crime. I only think that a privates schools should be allowed to take students passwords not public school you don't pay to get into public school if public school made you give them your passwords it would just be people trying to control everything you do. In my opinion public schools don't care about the students and their well being, but private schools I really believe they do care about their students.

  17. In my opinion this is an invasion of privacy. I believe that if you don’t use it in school that it is none of the schools business. If I had a teacher or administrator tell me to give them my usernames and passwords or you will be kicked out I would rather be kicked out. Not to mention that if they had my passwords that they could change the settings and many other things, including getting them in trouble with the law.

  18. I don’t believe that administrators should have the ability in any school system to search and have access to student’s accounts. The reason being that what is done and said outside of school has absolutely nothing to do with the system. Also, I think that faculty of the schools should have no concern of what students do or say outside of school. Whatever is done the student should not be punished at school for something the school has no jurisdiction over.

  19. i think it is dumb. i would never ever give out my personal information to anybody. i do not understand why you would need to give them your passwords i don't see what thay would do with those. i do not like this one bit it is my privite life and i can do what i want with out the school caring. the only way i see them caring is if it is done at school

  20. Its an invasion of privacy and those students should just leave all of them and see if he wont change his mind then, that’s the problem with having old people as principals there all power hungry and want to control every thing we do and don’t do don’t get me wrong not all principals are like that im just saying the private schools people pay lots of money to send there kids they but they end up the same as any other kid because of all the strict rules and policys now this guy just prooves that they don’t care about privacy

  21. I think it is a ridiculous idea. If the student was bringing it up talking about it in class then that’d be a different scenario. But since the principle is actually trying to look for things and be all up in the students personal life that’s invasion of privacy. I don’t think its right. I’d like to hear what the students have to say about this.

  22. I don’t think it would be a good idea that the principal should have all the students in the whole schools password to there myspace, facebook, etc. The school can’t hold anything against the students for what they did in there paste. Its just like if the school board did that to the teachers, hire them but then fire them for what they did in there paste. Everything is confidential. I think its dumb that the principal wants there passwords.

  23. @ chelsea n

    i agree completely they need to quit worrying about things that are beyond their control

  24. @Aaron P.

    Aaron your wrong they should be punished to the fullest because with out administration butting in most of these students would never finish school

  25. @ greg g

    you aint kiddin and i dont think administrators deserve 100k plus-sa-year salaries when in all actually they dont do a cotton-pickin thing

  26. At Shane I agree with you buddy I think it is total bull crap that they want those passwords at school. It is our personal life they should not be in it..

    At Kirby I do agree that it is unfair even if it is a private school it should not matter. Those kids should be able to keep there own privacy even if they got more rules then public schools

  27. @ ChelseaN

    i gree with you completely no school should have the right to know what we do or say outside of school if they did we all would probably be kicked out :)

  28. @ Dustin Neuwirth

    I think it’s dumb too. People need to stop getting involved with others personal life’s.

  29. @Greg G. I totally agree with you saying that principals are just power hungry.

  30. To Dustin: Do you think it would be wrong if a parent asked there kid for there password for myspace, or facebook? If you think its wrong, then why?

  31. @ Jacinta L

    I totally agree with you. What you do outside of school has nothing to do with when you are at school.

  32. I think now that schools have more control over how they want their facility to be maintained doesn’t mean that neither a principle nor a teacher can make a student give up their rights to their outside life of school. It’s definitely invasion of property. These are students who still attend school not adults. Knowing that your teacher or principle has access to your personal things shouldn’t be allowed. That would be like the students having access and the key’s to get into someone’s house. Looking at their personal things, knowing certain personal private things. No student shouldn’t be punished like this..

  33. @Aaron P I totally agree with you no school private or public has the right to request your passwords

  34. I do not like that just because some one talking about what they did over the weekend that all the students have to giver the logins and passwords just because of one persons mess up. The students have there rights and just because they are in a privet school they shouldn’t have there rights broken, the teachers and the principle are making most of there money from the kids they teach. I hope that some one stands up fore there rights and tell the school “no way!” I think if the school start getting passwords and loge ins that a lot of the kids will leave the schools, then what are the teachers going to do then because they wont be making the money off the kids any more. I hope that happens so that they learn not to be so pushy and demanding.

  35. laura i agree with you, i do not like any thing about what that school is doing.

  36. I don’t think that the schools should be asking about the passwords to there social net work. It is in invasion of privacy that the school had no reason to be reading. I don’t know what good comes out knowing the kids password. They say it is to stop the kids from doing bad things, but if the kid wants to do something they are going to find more then one way to do it. It’s just like me coming to school and telling the teachers to give me all the passwords to the grading book just because I’m failing, it just isn’t right. It isn’t going to solve anything.

  37. I believe that the schools policy is way out of proportion the school needs to let the students have their right to privacy. The school shouldn’t even need the student’s password unless a student is on the schools property drinking or smoking or if the student is wearing the schools uniform or athletic clothes with a beer or an illegal substance in a picture on my space or face book. I disagree with the policy

  38. I really don’t believe it is right for the schools to get into the personal lives of their students. Unless, what they are doing has something to do with the school they go to. If its (personal) than just leave it alone. Most students on Myspace, Facebook, twitter, etc., don’t usually ever really post anything about school anyways. I believe by getting the passwords and stuff is an invasion of privacy. Besides even if you do give passwords and account names, how would you know if they don’t have another account? Schools should not have the right to get into their students personal/private lives. What they do is their business.

  39. Ok this school on South Carolinas private christian school is trying to have the students passwords put on their myspace and facebook. That is sooooo messed up. Id like to use another word but beth says keep it appropriate. This is a huge invasion of privacy!! The school has no business knowing what you are doing outside of school. And if your drinking and doing drugs the school has no business knowing nor do they have the business making it theirs. If you are drinking on school grounds ya then that’s understandable because you would then be ruining the reputation of your school. Ya they should just replace that crazy principal.

  40. i think its a way that the school basically says they dont trust you and think they have to moniture the students like children. i really dont think that the school should have the right to ask for passwords i think the whole situation should only be brought up if the student has a certain item that reflects the school itself like a t-shirt with the school name or something like that but just schools wanting to controll the students isnt helping it just makes students want to rebel more and show they are going to do what they want so invading privacy will just make it harder for the schools to keep the last of the students they acctually have left from all the drop outs and people who do drugs it just leaves ones that want to learn and make them want to stop goin to certain schools for that very reason. . . .

  41. So Beth got me started lol. I think this is so messed up. I think it’s our privacy and we shouldn’t have to share it with the world/ teachers. My Myspace is somewhere were I can talk to my friends some that I don’t go to school with, or ever friends in other states. I think it would be different if I’m post or emailing at school. But if I do it at home it’s at home not school it’s my own business. I wouldn’t give them my password; if they couldn’t respect that then I don’t want them teaching me.

  42. I don’t think kids should have to give there myspace or face book passwords to there principal. Because that’s there privet information it shouldn’t matter who there talking to or what there doing on there myspace of face book. If there so worried about what there doing on there I think they should inform the parents if it is that big of an issue to them. Like if there on it at school give detention or something. Don’t ask for information that you really don’t need just to be nosy. Like if your going to ask for there myspace or face book user and password give the students your passwords to your personal information. And see how you would fill about the students looking at your personal things.

  43. No absolutely not. I would never give my passwords to my personal OUT OF SCHOOL accounts. It has nothing to do with school even if I discuss school topics on such accounts with people. Its called it’s a principal who can do things like that because it’s a private school and they can and do get away with more things than a public school. Does it surprise me that it’s a Christian school principal whose doing this no. I went to a Christian school and all it really was was nothing but a justified cult where they take things like privacy and the way you live way to serious. The teachers and mostly the principals because they run the show so they get a “god like feeling” are such hard core bible thumpers that they believe in watching your every move to make sure you are living the most pure of lives we all sin and you cant make us a pure person but that’s how they roll. I just couldn’t believe it when I herd it and knowing that it was a Christian school that was doing this made it even worse if I was in those students shoes id tell them to go hell.
