Being sexually assaulted is one of the most violent things that can happen to a person. Unfortunately, many times this type of crime goes unreported because the victim thinks that nobody will believe them. Cases like the one you about to read about are partly to blame. Please
read this story then respond by sharing your thoughts about this topic. (You do not have to confine your comments to this story.) What do you think should happen to people who make false accusations concerning sexual assault? What effect do you think false reporting has on victims who really have been assaulted?
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ReplyDeleteI think it is very wrong when some one summits false testimony. the only reason there doing this is to get money. it did not happen ever there are just mad at the person or hate them so that's why they lie just to get all that money. i think when they lie like this they should be fined money accused of lies of sexually harassment and maybe even jail time.
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ReplyDeleteBeing the victim in a sexual assault case is not a fun thing. You could even be the victim if you are the perpetrator. Just because you are a victim of sexual assault does not mean that you cant go on with life as you normally would. She should not have gone through with meeting this man if she wasn't aware with what could happen. She should have had someone with her or met him in a public place and not at her house.
ReplyDeleteI thinks false reporting is a major problem today because it is so easy and believable to make up a sexual assault story. I do know some one that did this to two guys that had both just graduated and were on there way to the military in months both with great jobs. After some actions took place with the accused the accuser decided what if they tell people and give me a bad name so what happened soon after was a rape story was made. An investigation was put on this and both people were in a lot of trouble with not only family but military almost losing there positions. Once the investigation was taken out and the stories changed every time it was found that the accuser had lied about the whole thing. So in that yes false reporting is just as serious as if it happened either way someones life could be ruined .
ReplyDeletei think people who make false accusations should be fined largely. People who make these false reports effect the lives of other people who had been sexually assaulted by making them feel bad and reminding them about what happened and knowing people lie about things and thinking its a joke when its not.
ReplyDeleteI believe that what this woman did was wrong. It is not right to make a false accusation about sexual assault. So many people are victims every year and they never get caught, victims are scarred for life. When some one makes something like this up they don't think about the pain other people are going through. People who acuess others of doing this will never know the true pain of having that safe feeling taken away and to always have a haunting memory that fallows the victim there whole life's. When People take up the time of law enforcement on cases like this that are not true, they will never be able to solve the real case. When People do suckced at this it causes an inocent person to go to jail and suffer for no reason.
ReplyDeletepeople who make false accusations of another is rediculious. most days all women have to do is say ive been assaulted and minuets later cops would be knocking on your door. in most aspects i respect that sexual assault is highly monitored and most perpitrators do get their just dessert, its the cases where everyone knows that their was no wrongdoing to the victem and it just that someone wants money and they use a cry for help for their own self greedeness. its hard to determin weather or not someone gets sexually assaulted but when people keep crying wolf for attention,money, revenge or vengence our society really should observe the fine details before jumping the gun and saying they assaulted someone because who knows if the victem is telling the truth it could jepordise somoene for the rest of their lives.
ReplyDeletei think people that make false reporting should get a fine and at least some time. i think its wrong to accuse someone of sexual assault when its used to black mail that person. sexual assault happens to many people at any given time some people may even mistake sexual assault as just playing around. sexual assault is a very big issue any where you go. if people start to report sexual assault more often but it is false . this makes the cases of other people that have been assaulted more difficult to prove that they happened.
ReplyDeletemany people think that the victims of sexual assault are nothing but women . but really its everyone men , women, and children. i feel very strongly about this situation. so many people go through it on a daily bases and the person who is doing it doesn't understand the mental and physical toll it takes on that person. It also leaves a very long lasting impression on their life and sometimes they think this happened to me so i must deserve it and this is who i am...... i have so many thoughts on this issue but only so much i can summarize into this comment......
This is a very horrible thing for someone to do to anyone! I know this girl who told lies about a guy. He had a lot going for him. He was just finishing high school, had scholarships, and was planning on going into the military. She could have ruined this life. It never went to court or anything but parents did find out and he was in a lot of trouble. This is not something to lie about. I feel very bad for people who have to go through this. If this does really happen to you I hope you do go to the police and do something about it. I think it is very wrong to do this if you are just trying to get back at an ex or something. It can ruin someones life and i hope girls even guys think about it before they do something like that.I think the girl in that story should go to jail. The guy wasn't found guilty, okay but what do you think the community thinks about this?
ReplyDeletei think that this victim is just trying to get some one in trouble and does not know what the consequences of her actions are and i also think that she needs to get in to more trouble than just paying restitution she should get it for false reporting lieing to a police officer and i think she needs to go to jail for a while and see what consequences of her actions can get her
ReplyDeleteI think what should happen to people that do a false sexual assault should, be either fined more or sit in jail. I think the chick from the article wasn't very smart. Like beth said there are people out there for money so they do crazy stuff. I think its pointless doing something that crazy and having the whole world knowing that your not very smart. I would say she totally embarrassed herself, and embarrassed the guy she tried to get sexual assault for. poor guy. I honestly think its pointless meeting someone over the internet. Who knows what there person is like, they end up being crazy just like that chick. Why would someone wanna do such a stupid thing like that, and they know there still gonna get caught. I don't think anyone should lie about something so serious like that, they shouldn't lie at all.
ReplyDeletefalse reporting.....bad stuff, i believe that an accuser should be punished in some way for ruining the accusees life. the accuser should have done to them what they reported in the jail system. the false accuser will weaken the system because then the actual rape victim will be like the boy who cried wolf and the sex offender will be free and probably get another victim.
ReplyDeleteI think its bull that people feel the need to lie about getting raped. I don't understand the reason for it. Maybe she wanted money, maybe she was in love and got mad cause he didn't love her back, who knows. All I know is that it makes me really mad when girls lie about these types of things and then get mad at people when it dose really happen to them and no one believes them. Its their problem, don't lie.
ReplyDeletelieng about sexual assulat?? sounds crazy but true and some people actually do it to me people who lie about should get put in prison and posted on every front page of every thing that they had lied . because of there action the jus ruined some ones life , could you imagine aplying for a job and they look up ur record and they see SEXUAL ASSAULT how stuped would u feel?? i guess thats jus how this society has ended up and another example of how money can do evil things to people... also because of so many reports of sexual assault this can also influence the ones that are true i would be scared also to report it if i knew no one was going to beleive me .... to me thats why theses people should be in prison as long as they would if they were the ones who commited sexual assault some may agree some may not but this is jus another example of the way our society is to beable to make another dollar or even jealousy toward some one famous and try to deface them
ReplyDeletefalse accusations are a big problem these days. it can happen for numerous reasons. the girls boyfriend is cheating, a guy is refusing her, or she makes up this scam to get his green. if the accusations are not true i think the chick should get some jail time. because she particaly ruined that guys life. but you never know the aggressor could of been black mailing her so she changes her story and says it didnt happen. but if its true the guy should be in prison.
ReplyDeleteknowing the fact that someone is fabricating a story about sexual assault is quite disgusting. I think for any person living to commit such a mess should be fined and should be doing a long period of jail time for false reporting. To this day there are many children and teens who go through sexual assaults everyday and are traumatized by the behavior of such people. Why should someone ruin the reputations and dreams of others to commit a crime that has never been committed? Decisions we make in this world we live in....People will do anything just earn their money.
ReplyDeleteWhat I think should happen to girls that lie about being raped is that they should be fined and get some jail time. I think its wrong because its getting the other person in trouble for no reason and could miss up that person life for ever. Some girls that do that are just doing it for money or so the guy wont leave them. I think girls that do that are dumb because what if someone is telling the true no one will believe them because they will think that shes lieing. No one shoudnt ever lie about stuff like that because its never worth some getting in trouble for someone being dumb.
ReplyDeletePeople can get prosecuted for slander. I would wager to guess that falsely accusing someone of rape would count as slander. I don't think that jail time is part of the sentence for slander though. I believe that it is mainly a monetary fine. I could be wrong though.
ReplyDeleteI think what she did was wrong. At the same time, the man may have thought it was consensual and the women may not have felt that way. When someone is wrongly accused that's messed up. Being accused hurts too. In my opinion, the person that accused should be fined or jailed.
ReplyDeleteBut when it actually happens, the media makes it look like not so bad. When someone is assaulted its traumatizing. People are changed in very bad ways. Unlike no one can believe. So in that case, I think the person who did should be jailed and fined.
I personally think that it is wrong. It will affect both all of the people involved. The person who is accused of if convicted would most likely serve jail time. also they will have a felon on their permanent record, which could effect their ability to get a job. The victim would probably have a guilty conscience if the other person was convicted if it was only out of hatred. If the person accusing some one else is found to be lying i believe that they should have a fine to pay and have to serve jail. Also accusations like these will give some one a bad reputation, which could cause a problem for them on trying to get into college and getting a good job. What about those people who are actually sexually assaulted? If people lie about this too often, judges and officers may not take the real cases seriously. In turn that could make the people who are actually assaulted scared to be able to tell someone about what happened, and afraid that it will happen again because they would have no one that could help them.
ReplyDelete@khaffner What if the person doing the accusing for revenge to just to get noticed? what do you think should happen to the person then?
ReplyDeletepeople who falsely accuse others for sexually assault should be punished by law to serve a minimum of 5 years in prison and have to publicly tell every one the truth and an apology for the person that was accused and also pay for the test that may have been needed and court costs and other expenses
ReplyDeleteI think that people who lie about sexual assault should get in trouble and wear a large sign and say that they have lied about being raped. It's wrong cause the girls who are raped are now going to be scared to come out because people will think there lying about it, when it really did happen to them. And if nothing is done to there rapist there going to be reminded of it every day, knowing that no one did anything to help them. They will be scared of there rapist. And knowing that women lied and made a full out of them. At least if their rapist is put away the will have a little grief off there shoulders. But the ones who did lied should be put away because it's not right to lie about something about that. And for a man, people will still think of him as a rapist, even if he didn't do it. It's wrong to put anyone threw that situation.
ReplyDeletesexually assaulted??Hm mm..yup it happens some people do it cause they are crazy or some just want money or to get someone back for something, i think its wrong for those who lie about it!! i think its wrong for what the women from the article said,because that guy could have served time for something he didn't do.But the people who really do get sexually assaulted might take them a longer time to prove the truth to the laws/courts.But the people who lie should pay a fine and should get some time in jail, and they deserve that punishment because of what they did to an innocent person.A lot of women,men, and children go through a lot of things when they are sexually assaulted and that is a very bad memory for them and they go through a lot in their life.Everyone who does it or lies about it should serve time and pay a big fine,for doing for what they did.I think it was really wrong for what she did..
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ReplyDeleteBeing accused for sexual assault can be a very bad problem for someone in there future or in their personal life. In my eyes these kind of situations should be more looked into before making a final decision for the prosecutors sentenced. And if there are doubts about the case, they should make a split decision and then make the accuser take a lie detector test. If the accuser comes out with the truth and says that they have lied then i think they should get a fine and do some jail time.
ReplyDeleteGirls who accuse guys of rape and it's not true should go to jail. So that girls that are thinking about lying know that they can and will go to jail. Most girls don't say anything because they are scared that the police or even their family won't believe them. When a guy is accused of raping a girl and it's not true, it can really ruin his life. Most girls won't want to go out with him, or if he is married or has a girlfriend, they won't want to be with him. He could lose his job. Falsely accusing and being accused of sexual assault is very bad. That is the most stupid thing a girl can do to get back at a guy. If a girl didn't want people to think she was “easy” than she shouldn't sleep around. Rape is a very serous thing and if it really happened than the girl or guy should tell someone right away.
ReplyDeleteI strongly believe that if someone files a false sexual assault report on another person then they should have to pay a big fine but not only that sexual assault is considered a felony so if a person lies about being sexually assaulted then that should also be considered as a felony. I think that because if a person is willing to go though all that trouble to have a another person convicted of a felony when they are lying about it then they should get the same thing as the person being accused would have got if they were convicted of sexual assault. And if they go to trial and they are under oath and they lie about someone raping them that would be considered perjury and should also face those charges as well.
ReplyDeleteI think when people make false reports all the time on people supposedly raping them it makes the people that really have been scared to tell anyone about it because they are afraid that they will think its a false report, and not take them serious or the case serious. If someone has really been sexually assaulted then I think they need to tell someone for their own protection and safety.
I believe the reason behind why women who really have been sexually assaulted don't speak up.Is because after the tremendous amount of women who Falsely report sexual assault; that the women who have truthfully been sexually assaulted are not taken seriously or they don't even attempt to report their assault. Women who have been sexually assaulted today are scared of being accused of lying because the majority of Sexual assaults are falsely reported. It is a case of "the boy cried wolf to many times to be taken seriously."
ReplyDeleteThe accused in a false reporting case is the victim. If the Accusations are false and they go to trail those charges follow them for the rest of their lives. They will be tagged as a sex offender where ever they they go in live. They wont be able to have a normal live, people will frown at they with out knowing the truth behind the accusations. These victims will be wrongfully judged for the rest of their lives. False Reporting is not worth ruining an innocent persons life!!!!!!
I think that people who make false reports about being sexually assaulted should face a punishment for lying and ruining another persons life! Because they should not be making up a serious issue that is happening to real victims who don't want to speak up now and days. In my own personal opinion they should be punished or be charged with a felony for making a false accusation. Lives for those who are being accused for doing something they didn't do in this situation are being destroyed and are being permanently labeled as a person they really aren't which is not right and not fair to them. When the person is found not guilty for being accused makes the other person who started the whole thing look stupid and messed up because it looks like they don't have a life and are trying to ruin other peoples life.
ReplyDeleteAs for those victims who have really been sexually assaulted may be scared to speak up and tell someone because unlike others they wouldn't want to cause any more problems for their family or ruin other peoples life and/or are to scared because they think that no one will believe them and that they would think that she is making the whole thing up. The victim probably wouldn't want to cause any problems for any body or make things worse for themselves. I personally think at times like these they shouldn't be scared to speak up and they should tell someone they are comfortable talking to because these are serious issues that should really be out there and known so that it can be stopped in the future. They should know that aren't ruing anyone else's life if the crime is actually being committed they are just helping their selves out. They should also know that they always will have someone to talk to about important situations like these.
The very thought of a false accusation of sexual assault makes me feel sick. I cannot imagine how it would feel to be falsely accused of such a thing. I think it would be even worse would be to actually be sexually assaulted and not report it for fear of being charged with false reporting. This whole concept makes me sad that we live in such a free country that some people feel free to do whatever they want and often get away with it. Don't get me wrong, I'm honored to have the privilege to live in this God-blessed country. however, I cannot help but criticize the deterioration of a society that sees this chaos and uncivilized behavior as acceptable.
ReplyDeleteI think if a woman lies about getting raped she should be fined and tossed into jail. Because women that lie about getting raped are effecting the real rape victims by making it harder for people to believe there stories. The liars should also be charged with a felony because they can put a guilty person in prison just so they can get money.
ReplyDeleteI think that people who make false accusations should do jail time. Lying most times comes with consequences and people who who lie about being sexually assaulted should get BIG consequences for that. I don't think paying a fine of court costs is enough because obviously that is not stopping people from being scared to lie about being sexually assaulted. They need to know that just because their mad at their boyfriend or they slept with a guy who has a lot of money does not mean they need to go all out and try to get revenge or try to get the guys money by saying that they sexually assaulted them. For the people who have lied about being sexually assaulted there the main reason that most people who have really been sexually assaulted don't get believed. They probably make a lot of people who have ever been sexually assaulted hard to come out and tell what has happened to them to the police or anybody. Not only do the real people who have been sexually assaulted have to suffer but so do the people who got blamed for sexually assaulting someone that was not true. Because they are innocent and have to prove that they are not guilty of what someone is saying about them. Its probably ruins there self confidence and trust in people. So I think that false reports about sexual assault is not a joke or game to play on some innocent person. Only the real people who have been hurt by being sexually assaulted should have all the right to come out and speak and should not be afraid of people not believing them because there are people out there who will lie for whatever reason to say they have been sexually assaulted but the truth will soon come out and hopefully there will be bigger consequences for those lying people!
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ReplyDeleteWell what I think about this story is they talked over the net for three weeks. And then finely got to one another over that short period of time. I mean I am not just going to go see some one I really don't no much about let alone have sex with them. I mean look at all the stuff thats around aids and all the other sexual transmitted sicknesses that can be life threatening. And there are some crazy people out there who will do some thing to you or stalk you even kill you with out a worry in the world. That was a little of topic I think but just saying the truth. Ok back false accusations well frankly I really don't like getting blamed for other peoples mistakes. As well as the rest of the world don't well hopefully they don't like getting blamed for other people I no I don't like I said. And I also don't like when people prejudge people so that might have some thing to do with why I would not like false accusation. So when someone tries to get some one for something they did not do I think they should get the punishment for the crime they are falsely accusing the person of doing.
ReplyDeleteThat is just like the guy who own The Point. He burned down his own building and said it was a "wild" fire just so he could get money. I also think it is stupid for a girl to meet someone who she has been talking to over the internet, you don't know what he's like or capable of. Also, she willingly had sex with him then reported it as rape so she doesn't look like a slut. I think it is stupid and a waste of time.most people just do it for attention or to get out of trouble.
ReplyDelete@ranschutz.neva You have a very good point about slandering. I am not sure what the law is on slandering someone but I do believe that it should have some sort of fine or jail time.
ReplyDeleteCoffey Yah I agree with your opinion on that a slap on the wrist isnt enough a harsher punishment needs to be enforced on these situations.
ReplyDelete@kouderkirk.neva i agree with what you said she is just wasting the time of these officers when they could be helping other people who really need there help
ReplyDeletei agree with with Aaron on this on that is not something to be joking around with. I also agree with Erika she said it was right i think that's is what should be dine to them when they false or when they lie.
ReplyDelete@Alicia You have a good point about the person that owned The Point. Yes he did do it just to get insurance money but, the victim in this is not really going to get money for herself because I believe that the courts would get the money and the alleged suspect would get jail time and have to pay court costs.
ReplyDelete@xtrevino.neva i agree with your response
ReplyDeleteAaron So if that was the law to have done to you what you have accused who would do it and how would they choose that person.
ReplyDelete@dustin.neva What makes you think all they want is money. what if they want somethin else like, i dunno, uhh, there jewelry. I think they could want something else besides money. they don't have to be mad or hate the person either, they can just have one of those one night things, or they just want to get in trouble just to go to jail. some people do naughty things cause they either have a not so good life or they live out in the streets and wanting somewhere to live (jail)
ReplyDelete@edavoult.neva Well Granted the Girl from the article was very stupid what about the real cases that never get heard and the pain the real victims go through. And no they shouldn't lie but people do and it won't Change unfortunatly, people are money crazy.
ReplyDelete@ytorres.neva : i agree with you because it is a bad memory for those who have to go threw that stuff. i don't think anyone should go threw that, but things do happen and we cannot prevent stupid people.
ReplyDelete@Alicia I belive that in this case even before the lady was caught lieing that there wouldn't bre much money involved at all. Therefore other things would probly be the cause of this like rejection or hate possibly even being hurt emotionaly see there are many other reasons people make things like this up no its not good but it will always happen no matter what we do in our day in age all people are interested in is revenge
ReplyDeletenhobdell.neva I agree with you totally. A lot of girls are too afraid of telling the truth because they don't want people to think they are wrong. So many people are false reporting that when girls say they were sexually assaulted people don't believe them right away. I feel bad for these girls. And for the accused, if they are falsely accused it will fallow them forever! The public will look down on him because he “did something wrong.” I feel bad for these people. False reporting is very wrong to do and I also think it is a crime!!
ReplyDelete@sramirez.neva This is so true, girls don't really think about how it will hurt the guy, they just want revenge. If the girl knew she would go to jail if she did that I think it would stop some girls from doing it. Maybe the reason they are doing it is to get some attention but if they know that if they do it they will have to pay. This is sad to because like you said it ruins the guys life. And if something like this does happen to someone they should tell someone right away!
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ReplyDeleteI believe that false accusation of sexual assault effects the guy and real victims of sexual assualt. It effects the guy because if the court finds him guilty of this and he did not do it he will have to register as a sex offender for a lie that someone told. It effects girls that really have it happen because then they become affraid to tell someone because of the fear of not being believed.
ReplyDeletei beleive your right the accuser should have done to them what they reported in the jail system
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ReplyDelete@niki ya i agree with you
ReplyDelete@ ERICA
ReplyDeletewell all chicks want is money most o the time
@dustin ya i agree
ReplyDelete@ ROSS
ReplyDelete@ AARON
YA lets find bubba
@rkirkpatrick.neva i agree with your response
ReplyDelete@nmaurer. I think the person should still get in trouble. revenge is wrong to at times.
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ReplyDelete@asalazar.neva i agree with you.
ReplyDelete@palomo I agree in what you say because girls that lie about that stuff are dumb and should be fined and put in jail for a while.
ReplyDeletewhat u said to SANCHEZ IS WEAK BERN!
As in most things, it is hard to have an opinion without knowing more. Why did/does someone lie about sexual assault? Was he/she lying in the first instance or the second, when he/she recanted? Can a legal system redress these wrongs effectively? Is lying part of a bigger societal problem? Is violence part of a bigger societal problem? Do economics and race play a role? Is violence ever ok? This article raises a lot of important philosophical questions.
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ReplyDeleteWow. This is a tricky one because women especially often later retract accusations even if they were really true. That is why in California we have a law that says that abuse can be prosecuted without the victim's testimony. Therefore, the first consideration (in my opinion) is a careful weighing of the evidence.
ReplyDeleteAll that said, a false accusation should be treated with nearly the same severity as the crime itself. It is so hard for victims to come forward and be believed that those who "cry wolf" should face severe penalties--not to mention the harm they do to their accused. They should pay restitution not only to the falsely accused, but to real victims' funds as well.
I think that people who blame another of sexual a salt should be find for the court cost and the equipment used to investigate the crime. People who do this should have to seat out in the street with a sign that says i have made a false arrest on this guy. than they should say they are sorry on the news or some how. Because if they are married they could mess up that persons marriage. Even tho they guy should not of been with another girl. but it is not right to say something that is not true cause than if it really happens to a person the cops kinda do the ya OK you are playing with us. so when when person says something and than it happens for really they will not get justice cause they lied. so with all that said it is stupid for girls to do things like that just cause they messed up their relationship with their boyfriends or think they are pregnant.