I like to begin each new quarter with a great discussion to help us get to know each other. As I was trying to think of a topic I came across this blog post on CNN Student News. Here is what the post says.
"Beginning this week, some chronically late students in the Boston area will begin getting automated wake-up calls starting at 6:15 a.m. Some like the idea and believe it could get more students to school, more of the time. Others think school officials are going too far.
We're curious to know who you think should be responsible for getting you to school on time."
What do you think about this? Write a response to this idea using correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Your reply must be at least 5-6 sentences in length.
In high school I think it is a student’s responsibility to attend school. I don’t think it’s up to a parent or the school the student is attending to be a constant reminder to the student to go to school. I think the student should also be responsible for getting to school on time. I also think it is up to the student to put in enough effort to pass classes. If a student attends school regularly and is still failing a class then it might be the decision of the teacher to take extra steps to help the student. If a student doesn’t put effort into school I don’t think the school or teacher should put in extra effort for the student.
ReplyDeleteRegina G.
ReplyDeleteEvery student is responsible for going to school on time. It is also their parents responsibility as well if their kid isn’t old enough to drive. In Boston they are going to give those late students a wake up call at 6:15 and I don’t think it’s necessary. I think it’s just a waste of time. Calling them may or may not help them out. Some kids have an alarm clock but choose not to get up, so calling them would be pointless. The only people who are responsible for someone going to school is themselves and their parents. No one else should have to go out of their way to make someone get to school on time. If they don’t care then why should anyone else?
Besides maybe elementary children I believe school is a student's responsibility. No one else should have to make sure someone is getting up and going on time. I have always woke up on my own and did what I needed to do. That's just being responsible. The school system shouldn't go out of their way for students who don't care when they could spend time on the students that do show up. No one can make a student want to go to school, it's a decision that they need to decide on their own. --April Standley
ReplyDeletepersonal responsibility has a huge roll in every students life across America. Students as young adults should be able to get up on there own every morning. I think that the alarm clock issue was why out of hand. If the school had some consequences that were enforced the tardy count would drop. To be on time is part of life there is not going to be an alarm clock in every step of life its about .
ReplyDeleteCcervantes-I myself personally feel that it is a good way for kids to get to school on time, is it going a little too far, perhaps. It’s not anyone’s responsibility but the students to get up and get to school on time. The teachers, your parents or anyone else for that matter can’t wake you up for school in the morning that’s your job and your responsibility. If we as students want to be treated as adults we need to act like adults and be on time for school. Sometimes it’s a little difficult to get to school on time. Sometimes things just happen and there’s nothing you can do about it. Say you left your house at 7:30 and dropped off your son or daughter off at day care and are heading to school and you get stopped by a train and it stops, by the time you get to school its already 7:55 and when you enter those doors your already late. Things do happen you just have to be honest with the teachers and principle. Either way it’s your responsibility to get to school on time.
ReplyDeleteHaving the school call to wake you up is the most ridiculous thing ever. It’s your responsibility as a student to get to class on time, not the schools. People are becoming less independent because of these ideas. Kids need to realize that school is important and that without it they aren’t going to have a lot of choices later on in life. If they miss out on the education that’s being handed to them, well that’s their problem. It is not the schools job to wake up students. -Katie Murphy
ReplyDeleteI think that it is your responsibility to get out of bed in the morning. No one else should have to wake you up in the morning. If you’re too lazy to get up and go to school so you can get a good job when you finish then don’t go to school. If you can’t get up for school then you can’t get up for a job. There isn’t always going to be someone there to wake you up every morning. I think that this is a big responsibility issue. It isn’t the schools responsibility to get you out of bed in the morning.
ReplyDeleteI believe that it is your responsibility to get up when you are suppose to rather it would be for work or for school. No one else should have to call you or come and wake you up. One reason being that there is not always going to be someone there to wake you up. Also when you have a job and have to wake up your boss is not going to go for my alarm didn’t go off. Waking up to me by myself is a big responsibility.
ReplyDeleteI think most students are not very responsible when it comes to school. There may be some students that depend on other people to get them up for school and depend on others for rides as well. The most irritating thing people do when not being responsible is ask constantly getting the teachers help just to get through the assignment. I know that some really need help but when someone need the teacher help for every little thing that is just lazy.
ReplyDeleteMy perspective on this article is that we should be responsible for ourselves. I think that if these students are constantly late than they shouldn’t be given chance after chance. I know personally that if someone is given too many chances to think its ok that it will eventually be set in their minds that its ok. If these students cant wake themselves up on time for school they should be kicked out of school and let them learn on their own how important an education really is. The responsibility shouldn’t be on the school or the parents it should be on the student. They should be mature and know well enough that they need to wake up and get to where they need to be when they need to be there.
ReplyDeleteI believe that every person should take action in their own life. They shouldn't have to have some machine call their phone in the morning to wake them up. Maybe they should just go to sleep on time instead of staying up all night. If all of the other students can do it so can they They should responsibility in their own lives. Like I said before if other people and I can do it so can they its honestly not that hard to do. This is why teachers and other adults look down on teenagers cause they think we have no responsibility cause just a few of us don't know how to act.
ReplyDeleteStudents that have a problem getting to class might need another way of getting up, so maybe a wake up call is a good idea. The only thing that should be done before calling is having them or a parent sign something saying "yes it is okay if you call my son or daughter." Something they could look into is not just calling the students that are late but sending out a wake up call to everyone.
ReplyDeleteIt is the students responsibility to get to school on time. It is the parents responsibility to make sure the student gets to class on time if that students can't drive. It is on the student to get up on time to be able to get to school on time if their parent does'nt wake that student up. In school sometimes teachers give the students too much responsibilities.
ReplyDeleteI think that if the students needed the help to be woke up in the morning then it should be there decision to have a wake up call at 6:15 in the morning. I could see some of the student needing help to wake up say if parents are leaving early in the morning to go to work, and if they have older siblings that have stuff to do in the morning then the 6:15 wake up call may be a help to the students. I just think that the student should be able to make a decision about school by themselves if a student does not want to go to school then they Don’t make them though at that age school is a self decision. If the student wanted to have the wake up call in the morning then let them but if they don’t then don’ make them.
ReplyDeleteI think if the kid’s can’t get up on their own then let them be, It’s their life let them live it. If they can’t make it to school on time than that’s their decision. Because neither teachers nor parents will be there for that kid when he gets a lot older. An if he is 18 to 19 now and still having troubles completing his responsibilities than that’s his decision he picked to go down that path so let them be.
ReplyDeleteI feel that it is a student's responsibility to make it to school on time once they reach the high school level. I feel that parents have the job of teaching their kids to be responsible and more self-reliant as they age. I think that school's don't need to wake up their students when they can't do it themselves. The school could go the extra mile for the kids who want to show up and can help the kids who want an education. High school students are not entirely independent, but they should know basic responsibility. Getting yourself to school is not that hard of a task to accomplish and should be basic enough for a high school student to be able to complete. -- Jaszy
ReplyDeleteI think that the officials might be going a little to far with this, I have to wake up at 6:30am and I am still to tired to go to school at 8 I can only imagine getting up 6:15am and not being tired every minute counts. Yes it is a students responsibility to be energized to wake up so early. I think that us teenagers are old enough and should be responsible enough to get up at this time there should not have to be a wake up calls at this age.
ReplyDeleteI think every student is responsible for themselves and if they choose to come or not to come to school. Nobody can force them to come, so I think what the school is doing is kind of a waste of their own time. Students who are constantly tardy may benefit from this more than the ones who don't ever show up. For some the school may be going too far but for others it may be just what they need. For me personally it could help me and many others to get to school on time.
ReplyDeleteI think that that is not any where near the schools area of interest. It is all up to the student to get themselves up and ready and to school on time. It is no one elses job to do that for them. The school should focus on grades, and try to help them catch up on what they have missed. They should focus solely on their teachings and what they need to do to be successful in their jobs. As a student, I know what it is like to be late and to get detentions for it. But that is my responsiblity because I was the one that was late.
ReplyDeleteI think it’s a good idea the alarm clock thing in progress that is if students don’t just put their house phone on silent. The reason I feel it would be a great idea is because the fact that some student for get to set their alarm at night or whatever, the case maybe. Over all I feel that students should be responsible for waking up on time but it wouldn’t hurt any to have the alarm thing in place. That and it would help notify parents.
ReplyDeleteSo my response is more of an “I think”. I would hate to get calls at 6:15 in the morning. I would just ignore my calls! It would be very pointless for me. I have my own alarm I don’t need any help waking up. I know I have to be at school by a certain time; if not there are consequences. Everybody is responsible for themselves, and their choices. I believe it would be just "POINTLESS".