- UPDATE: Read this story out of Vermont on sexting.
Click here to read the story on sexting.
In the response on the blog I want you to discuss YOUR opinion about what you think the appropriate punishment would be for sexting. Should teens be prosecuted and treated the same as pedophiles or should there be a different set of laws? EXPLAIN your answer. Use correct grammar, spelling, etc. This is published for the world to see.
I dont think that they should be tried as a pedifile . But i do think that they do need to get some kind of charge just not being charged as a pedifile . Because i think that is a little exsessave , They need to be charged as a juvinial not an adult . if it is a photo of yourself and you are just sending it to lets say your boyfriend than i think it is ok. If you get one from your girlfriend than it is ok cuz it is ok cuz it is for your eyes only and noone else will see it.but as long as your boyfriend/ girlfriend does not send it to any one else .
ReplyDeleteI feel that sexting should not require a person to register as a sex offender. Sexting is dealing with mainly teens, if a teacher were to recieve the photos however that is a completly different story. If the image is of the sender it should not be a crime at all because it is their choice of putting the image out. I mean if they dont want images of their body going all over the world they should not let the image be taken or take the image themselves and send them out.
ReplyDeleteWell this is a touchy sublect as i have heard there is lots of opinions so far. In my opinion if I was the law maker if you take the picture and send it and it gets out thats your choice your problem and you can face the actions that will come with it. I do not agree with underage sending to an of age person or the other way around. If two people send pictures and they are of age i think thats ok or two people underage. Now to the angry boyfriend/girlfriend sending a picture around in anger well if you let them have the picture its your fault noone should get in trouble people have to remember if you take the picture or let the picture be taken you just gave the consent for it to be seen. Another subject on this is pictures taken without consent yes those people should be prosectuted. So in all of this its my opinion that if the picture is taken in pose or by self then noone should be in trouble if not taken in those situations then yes prosecution should happen.
ReplyDeleteI think that the teens who send them should not get in trouble at all. If they want there pictures out there they should be able to send it to there boy friend or who ever they want. they should not get charged for doing this i do not think it is wrong.
ReplyDeletehonestly the punishment "pedophiles" who in their right mind could label a 14 or 15 year old child as a pedophile, their just kids having fun, yea i completly understand that its a problem with the wrong people getting ahold of the pictures and bullying around the person who sent them, but honestly its not a criminal crime it is a social crime that needs to be delt with in a more appropriate matter for instance parents should be the ones who monitor their kids in the first place if they dont want their kids to get in this kind of mess then they shount have the responsibility to have a phone expecally one with a camera none the less. as far as the justice system is involved they have no right to prosecute teens who are expressing their feelings for another person, they do have a right to prosecute the person who is abusing that picture or video. people are very right the law hasnt caught up with technology yet and untill it does and untill the law has a ligitimate punishment for people who abuse these images then they should stay out of personal affaires and deal with ALL the other problems we are facing in this dark time.
ReplyDeleteme being a teen seeing this kind of situation happen on a daily bases i really think that the law should really look more into it, because the people that send the sext should already know what their consiquences will be and what could happen if that picture is sent... Such as if this relationship doesnt work the other person could send it out to hurt me, someone could be looking in their fone and send it to themselves to be sent later to everyone else. there is so many consiquences that come with that one little picture what people need to understand is that the person who sent that picture of themselves are not the victims . they made a desicion and now they have to live with the consequenses . the people that get the pictures should know their consequces as well just for sending the pictures. i really think that the whole sexting thing is basically a desion of good and bad judgment ....
ReplyDeleteTeens should not face child pornography charges because some are doing it to themselves. Someone took that picture weather it was a boyfriend, a friend who ever, they let them do it. Teens need to think, they probably won't be dating this person forever and if they don't want their naked picture to be sent around to everyone don't take it. If you took the picture I personally think well whatever happen happens. Even if a girl takes a naked picture and sends it to her boyfriend, they break up and he sends it to everyone in his phone because he thinks its funny, well then you have to deal with your own consequences, you took it and so its no ones fault but your own. Now on the other hand if a girl or boy gets their picture taken say in a locker room and don't know about it then yes that person should get in trouble. More so the parents should keep an eye on their children and make sure they aren't doing things like this. The children are the parents responsibilities not the government.
ReplyDeleteI believe that teens who “sext” shouldn't be punished for the crime of child pornography because its not even close to child pornography. Child Pornography is when an adult is taking nasty pictures of young children doing nasty acts. If teens do send pornographic pictures well thats on the outcomes should be on them and the person who sends it to everyone. If a person sends a pornographic picture its usually to a boyfriend or girlfriend or somebody they feel comfortable with, then when somebody sends it to everyone then he or she gets offended. So just don't be sending naked pictures to anyone and we wouldn't have this problem in our nation.
ReplyDeletei dont think that teens should be charged same as the pedophiles. because i think as long as the sexting pictures stay within the appropriate age groups i think it is fine. because if a teen or an adult wants to send a picture of themself to other people they know that is their age then that is their choice. i think its wrong that the law wants to control what people do with their cell phones. i mean if a 65 yr old man has a naked picture of a 12 yr old girl than that man has got some issues. but as long as they arent sending them to younger people or underage kids i think i should be fine. but child pornogrophy is just totally wrong those people need some serious consequences.
ReplyDeleteI am a teen who has recieved such pictures and I enjoy them highly. The idea that I could be prosecuted for such material is ridiculous. These pictures are sent at the senders own discretion and there is an implied consent that is a latent clause, for lack of a better phrase, allowing others to view the material. Now I believe that only persons from the same age group should have pictures from others in that group, but persons of an older group should have none of this material and are subject to prosecution.
ReplyDeleteIts legal for a minor to date/be with another miner. Its also illegal for an adult to date/be with a minor. I believe sence its a ok for a minor to be with another minor, they should not be tried as an adult. They shouldn't even be charged with anything. I believe it should be legal.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, some people should not be tried for pictures. I think its alright for someone to have a naked pictures of your girlfriend but it's wrong for an eighty year old man to have that same picture. If you are willing to send a picture of yourself to someone else then you should have to put up with the fact that it might be sent to the rest of the world. Another thing is with the Internet you can create a picture of many girls put together, and be persuaded for child pornography. So in a way it can be wrong but also it can be ok.
ReplyDeleteI honestly believe that no matter what the case is, teens shouldn't be tried as an adult pedophile. This is a kind of situation that's being brought upon themselves. For the child's sake, I think that they need to understand that should be charged for exposing themselves in a unexceptionable manner. Obviously a situation like this is a big deal. Its life ruining and embarrassing. In my opinion I honestly believe that teens should be charged.
ReplyDeleteThis conflict about this sex ting is crazy. I think if your sending picks to another teen it should be cool with the law. I also think that if your like 80 years old you definitely should not have a teen pick. I don't think a teenager should be charged as sex offender for sending another pick of a teen to another teen. But if your over 18 sending picks of a teen younger then 18 you should be prosecuted! All in all prosecute all over 18!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am a teen who has received these pictures and knowing that I can get a felony and be known as a pedophile is not so enjoyable so in my opinion I think that if you got pictures from people your own age is not so wrong the wrong part I think is if you’re a jerk and decide to send them out to people then that’s wrong but I also believe that it’s the persons own choice to take and send those pictures to whom ever they please, but to be known as a pedophile for the rest of my life is some thing that I think is not right towards teens punish them but not so intense also there’s no point in ruining a kids life just because he had a girlfriend who likes sending those pictures, you cant stop those pictures it cant be reversed so why ruin some ones life on some thing that is not such a crime. I am not saying that it shouldn’t be punished but it just shouldn’t be a felony or make be known as a sex offender, kids will be kids and no ones there to stop them from doing what the choose to do if people want to get rid of this so called problem then take the whole cell phone idea and the whole internet idea away from the world that’s when it will stop so good luck …
ReplyDeleteI think that if it is between a boyfriend and a girlfriend, or if the person sending the picture is the person in the picture it should be alright, unless the person in the picture gives consent to send it then it should be alright. If the person does not consent and the picture gets sent out to every one that’s when some sort of action should be taken. I also believe that if legal action should be taken it should be like you would for under aged pornography. If the person if over eighteen it should be alright, because they should be old enough to know what the consequences are to there actions. Any one under eighteen, if legal action should be taken, should be punished for child pornography. Technically that is exactly what it is.
ReplyDeleteI think that if the receiver sends it on they should have a punishment and a fine. It’s that simple because they are the ones making that person look bad. I strongly think that the punishment should go to the receiver if they send it on. When some one gets in trouble for sending a dirty picture of some one on they should have to stand on a corner with a sign saying I got in trouble for sending on a picture of my Boyfriend/girlfriend and than be fined on it. Than go and say sorry to that persons face. And maybe that person should get some jail time like 2-3 weeks in jail for it and not be called a pedophile or a sex a fender unless the receiver is over 18 and sends it on than they should be put in jail and fined cause they should now better than send things like that on if they now their girlfriend or boyfriend under the age of 18 cause at 18 you can make your own chose
ReplyDeleteI think that people shouldn’t get in trouble over a dumb picture that a girl sent. The girl sent it so it should be her problem not the guys. I think that theses days cops and the states are just trying to get people in trouble because they have nothing better to do some times like when they spent thousands of dollars on the MIP task furs then we went in to dept agent because of the state. I think that we don’t have enough money to spend on dumb things, like things over txting unless it is threatening some ones life. Guys always get blamed fore girls mistakes. So if they get a sex txt it is not his fault she should of staid covered up and not took that pic. Or let some one take it.
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't think that if a teenage boy has a “sext” he should be punished. For one, he does not have control over what is sent to him. For two, if a lady did not want pictures of her like that going around she shouldn't take or let anyone take pictures of her like that. Now I can see if an older man had a nude picture of a 14 year old, then yes there should be punishment. Older teens are old enough to make their own decisions, they know right from wrong.
ReplyDeleteI think its wrong in certain cases. I think kids that send dirty pictures to there boyfriend or girlfriend are okay. But when him and her break up and he or she send the pictures on it should be wrong and they should get in trouble by parents. It can tear some one up inside knowing that there pictures are all over school. Knowing that only one person that they trust was suppose to have it. I think that they should get there phones took in away and not involve the government.
ReplyDeleteI think they should be find also be treated as a pedophiles. If someone was to think other wise just take a moment and think if it was your son or daughters picture. Also the should add another punishment like have all the teens do time. A good time period would be like for one picture you should do three weeks time. If it was my daughter I would be more then glad to let all this happen to my daughter then just to let her expose her self in that way. I think if they take charge in this and have a punishment then its only for the best.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion on the appropriate punishment for sexting. I think for a teen if they have the pictures on there phone and its of there girl friend or them its there's to keep to them selfs. But when they send it to other people then I think the authority's should get involved. And when the person gets cough they should get a ticket or a fine. And in that mater get there phone taken away by the court and held for a reasonable amount of time.
ReplyDeleteSo thats my opinion on sexting for teenagers as for adults who have pictures of teenagers on there phone should get jail time.
Make sure you are answering the question! I cannot give you credit if you do not answer the question and explain your answer. Want a good example? Look at asalazar's and rpalomo's responses.
ReplyDeleteAlso watch your spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
I think that teens that do have these kinds of pictures on their phone of other people should be prosecuted the same as adults do because if they were prosecuted the same as adults i think teens wouldn't do it anymore and if they did they need some time in jail cause they would have known what the consequences where but if they still decide to do it they don't deserve a slap on the wrist and then they are free to go because more than likely if they got a slap on the wrist the first time they are going to do it again so yes, teens with nude pictures of other people on their phone need to be prosecuted as an adult.
ReplyDeleteI honestly think it shouldn't be so much as a crime. Yeah young teens get caught with doing it but thats on them... It really shouldn't be considered child pornography if they are the ones who are doing it but if its someone else who are taking pictures of other people then yeah it should be charged as child pornography...Because those who take pictures nude of whatever of themselves should already know the consequences of whats basically going to happen when they send it to someone. They shouldn't get charged with a crime but with a warning or something because they should learn from their first mistake of doing it.
ReplyDeleteI think that there should be different laws for teens "sexting." Child pornography is different from teenage girls sending nasty pictures of themselves to their boyfriends. They did it on their own, they were not forced to take nasty pictures. Now if they were forced than the law should get involved. What if someone takes a picture when they are 16 or 17 and 2 years later they still have the picture, they can be charged with child pornography is that fair? Girls and guys don't really think that at the time they took the picture that it will affect them later in life.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion is that I think that teens should not be charged as a pedophiles or get that big of a charge because its just a picture yah its not right to be sending it around to everybody but if you sent it to your boyfriend or girlfriend then you should know what might happen to that picture will it be just their phone or everybody else's? You have to trust the person you are sending the picture to but they are blowing it all out of porption with making the person who is caught with the picture register as a sex offender because I think there is a BIG difference between getting caught with a picture of your friend and being a registerd a sex offender. I do think there should be a charge but not a blame on just one person it should involve everbody who sent and has the picture. Also there should be a consequence for the person who sent the picuture in the first place they should know what might happen and if they took that risk to send it anyway that should be there fault and desicion to deal with.
ReplyDelete“Sexting” is a big issue now days but this should not be illegal. It should only be illegal if a adult has pictures of a minor on their phone. If a minor has a picture of another minor it should be okay because teens have boyfriends/girlfriends and if they want each other to see nude pictures of one another then that's their choice. So if a girl/boy don't want their picture to be seen then they shouldn't send it in the first place. Also the people who get the pictures shouldn't get punished, because they can't stop the picture from going to their phone. But they can delete it or even get a new number if they don't want to be punished for this ridiculous crime.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion on “sexting”…. Sexting is something that millions of teens do; having to register as a sex offender because you have been “caught” sexting is outrageous. When you send a picture or receive a picture of your boyfriend or girlfriend you know what you are doing, so I do not believe that someone who has a picture of their boyfriend or girlfriend should not have to register as a sex offender, having a picture is something completely different from someone who has sexually assaulted young teens. When answering the question do I believe that they should have to register as a sex offender because you have pictures of your boyfriend or girlfriend on your phone my answer is no I do not believe that. On the other hand if you received a picture of your boyfriend or girlfriend during the time you two were together and you break up and decide to start a mass forward of that picture there is something wrong with you. I believe that if you start a mass forward you should get charged with distribution of child pornography, but you should not have to go through the same thing as someone who has sexually assaulted young teens and have to register as a sex offender. I believe that there should be a different set of laws for something of that nature, maybe have to spend some time in jail, pay a fine, but not have to register as a sex offender. I am giving the people who do start mass forward a lot more credit then they deserve, but honestly a sex offender? That is pushing it a little too far.
ReplyDeleteI believe charging teens with child pornography just for taking a picture of themselves nude or having picture sent to them of others nude is outrageous! I think this is the stupidest conflict ever brought to attention! We are teens taking picture of ourselves and others. . . if they are nude I'm pretty sure everyone who is 16 and older know what male and female body parts look like! Its not like we are forcing a toddler or young teen to perform for a camera! "That is what the child porn laws are designed to address." An adult sends nude pictures to another adult and its OK, but if a minor sent a nude picture to ANOTHER minor is child pornography? NO. . . I'm sorry that's ridiculous. "Sexting" is just teenagers being crazy teens. I think teens with racy picture should NOT be prosecuted the same as a 50 year sex offender with nude pictures of a toddler! It is a completely different case!
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ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't see why there should be any separation between teens and adults in this matter. Please don't misunderstand me. I believe that the creation, possession, and viewing of any kind of pornography should be illegal. Trying to charge teens(or 'children') with so-called 'crimes' that in essence are not illegal to adults is wrong. It makes the legality of adult pornography questionable, in my opinion. Cell phones, texting, the Internet, these were all ideas originally designed for the quick and easy communication and sharing of information, NOT for the perversion of an individual's perspective of the human body. The fact that this has gone this far and people are still saying "It's okay, this is normal." really makes me sad. All I can really think to myself is: "What is this world coming to!"
ReplyDelete@nlucius.neva I do not completely agree with what you said about 18 year olds. Eighteen year olds should be able to do it and the younger teens shouldn't be doing it. Pornography is illegal till you are eighteen years old any way.
ReplyDelete@lshanks.neva Just because they have nude pics doesn't mean that they need to be prosecuted. I mean would you be happy if the government somehow got into your phone history and saw that at one time you had nude pics in your phone. I dont think you would want to be prosecuted as an adult because of that. Sure if the pics are deleted it is harder to find but the pics can still be found.,
ReplyDeleteamata.neva i agree they should really under -stand or at least know the consequences of there actions
ReplyDelete@LShanks.neva Ya its wrong and all but do you realize how many pedophiles would be running around. Also kids do it all the time it should a problem they have to deal with or the parent shouldn't set up texting its that simple.
ReplyDeleteAaron Very nice way to put it I totally agree with you.
ReplyDelete@nlucius.neva I agree with you the problem will not be solved of course but it will reduce it a lot i really think the 18 thing is a great idea.
ReplyDeleteJoshB_VALTS i agree they should get in to trouble but not regester as a sex affender
ReplyDeletei agree with Ross on this one he gas all he facts strait and i agree with all of his comments about them I disagree with Shane on this one you should not have to be sent to jail or stand ona street corner with a sign
ReplyDelete@zyouman.neva @sramirez.neva .. i agree with your opinions on sexting and what actions should take place if an adult gets ahold of a teens picture.
ReplyDeletelshanks.neva: I totally don't agree with you. I think if your a adult its alright to have nude pictures on there phone. Most guys have naked pictures on there phones anyway, We just cant put a stop to it even tho we would like too. So your sayin its wrong for guys to look at dirty magazines, and they should get charged for that too. Every guy on the face of the planet would be pedophile and every female would be freakin out!
ReplyDelete@lshanks.neva I don't agree with this teens will be teens and they will do it just because. We like to see what we can get away with. I don't think this will help stop them from doing this. Parents should step in and take care of their children not the government. They should keep an on their kids. And it was most likely that girls/boys fault for taking the picture so why should the person they send it to get in trouble. Yes okay say he/she sends the picture to other people well you can't tell me that you can send something like that to a teenager and they will keep it to themselves, they will probably send it on. Nothing should be done because I think it is their fault and they should take responsibility for their actions.
ReplyDelete“These child porn laws were designed to punish a very different behavior. A kid sending a racy picture is a very different behavior than a pedophile forcing a toddler to perform a sex act on camera. That’s what these child porn laws were designed to address.”
ReplyDeleteThis quote sums up how I feel about this controversial issue.
Don't send pictures that you wouldn't want the whole world to see.
@nhobdell.neva I agree with you teens sending them to teens is not the same as old people sending pictures of teens. It isn't making someone older than you do things and take pictures they don't want to. This is crazy to even think to do something like this. I agree with you it is just teens being teens. I don't think anything should happen
ReplyDeleteYour topic was my Sunday School lesson last month. It is difficult to make the punishment fit the crime in any situation. Justice should be the goal.
ReplyDeleteLet me throw this article in the mix as well. There are others who are getting pulled into this situation. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/17/AR2009041702663.html?nav=most_emailed
Thanks to Miss Cal.Q.L8 and mhtalbut for contributing to this blog. My students really enjoy reading what guests have to say!
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ReplyDelete@sTrompkey Shane you have a totally distorted view of this whole thing. If you get charged, you get charged with a child pornography charge. That means federal prison time, and being on a sex offender list for at least 25 years. When jobs or creditors do a back-round check and they see that, curtains bro. Your life is ruined. Game over.
ReplyDelete@xtravino I completely agree with you. Teens will take and send them. True it might be illegal but majority of kinds around here smoke pot or drink every weekend. Just because its illegal wont stop them. I'm just concerned that the police or who ever deals with this is searching for the wrong people. Teens should be the last on their minds for the fact that there are hundreds of pedophiles out touching kids and getting away with it. Lets get them first.
I have really enjoyed reading your class discussion on "sexting." I watched a recent episode of "OPRAH" where they discussed "sexting" with a group of teenage girls, most of whom knew about or "sexted" themselves. I decided to do some reading and came across the following:
ReplyDelete"The bill would carve out an exemption from prosecution for child pornography for 13- to 18-year-olds on either the sending or receiving end of sexting messages, so long as the sender voluntarily transmits an image of himself or herself."
"The bill, however, would not legalize the conduct. Legislators believe prosecutors could still use laws against lewd and lascivious conduct and against disseminating indecent materials to a minor."
"And in Ohio, state lawmakers introduced a bill April 13 that would make sexting a first-degree misdemeanor. The legislation would apply only to teens younger than 18, separate from similar adult offenses that carry felonious charges."
Found at: http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/top-news/index.cfm?i=58287&page=1
The point to think about is what kind of digital footprint are you putting out there? You are kidding yourself if every employer out there isn't "Googling" and searching Facebook for every single applicant that comes in. Don't let your hormones at 16 keep you from getting a job when you are 25.
For many of my friends who are in the Human Resources (hiring & firing) jobs, that is standard practice for a pre-interview.
As soon as you send a picture of yourself anywhere, you are at the whim of the receiver.
Are you willing to put your future in the hands of another 16 year old?
I understand that I will be disagreeing with the majority of the board on this opinion, but please hear me out.
ReplyDeleteI believe that sexting should still be illegal for people of all ages, whether it is a consensual act or not. While the severity of the punishment is extreme in comparison to the crime, I believe that being registered on the sex offenders list is appropriate. I believe that the length of time on the list should be shortened to five years if the only crime is sexting, but such a severe punishment will deter teens from sexting. I have several reasons.
1. Minors that commit any other crime, including robbery, assault, and murder are still punished severely, despite their status as a minor. Their consequences are less than that of a legal adult, but they are still severe enough to show the minor that the ramifications are not worth the crime.
2. While teens may be aware of and consenting to racy pictures taken of themselves, there are a great number of people who are aware that they are drinking and driving, or speeding, or doing drugs. Some laws are put in place to protect people whether they want to be protected or not.
3. Consider this scenario. Lucy is 16 years old, and her boyfriend Kyle is 17. She sends Kyle pictures and videos of herself that are pornographic. Kyle has a micro-sd card that he stores the pictures and video to, and then transfers them to his family's home computer so he can see Lucy on a bigger screen. Does John, Kyle's father, get charged with possession of child pornography, even if he never looks at the pictures (allegedly, since it would be hard to prove otherwise)? What if Kyle's dad finds himself a 16 year old girlfriend, and has her send pictures and videos to his son's phone? Can it be proven that those pictures weren't for Kyle? And if John is an upstanding citizen that never looks at the pictures, can it be proven that he never did? Suddenly a door opens wide for pedophiles around the world to get away with possession of child porn, and good people with no intention of using or spreading it can be targeted for persecution.
I am open to the idea of legalizing sexting if there are strong arguments for it that do not come with a plethora of complications that can potentially endanger the greater majority of the population.
I am very glad to see some "conversations" starting to evolve on here! Please notice that you have some comments from people outside of school. Please read their thoughts. The entire reason I have you blog is to help bring multiple perspectives to issues.
ReplyDeleteMake sure you stay focused on the question at hand. You are supposed to discuss whether or not juveniles who engage in "sexting" should face the same consequences as adults who possess child pornography.
I encourage you to question the people that you do not agree with, but make sure you do it in a constructive manner. Do not be afraid to stand up for your position! What you think is important.
amata.neva i agree with you they should understand or at least know the consequences of there actions
ReplyDelete@dlove.neva,i don't agree with you because texting and calling and the internet are all one thing but using it for something different is another thing and i do think teens should get charged for doing that cause if those pictures get forward on the other people who ever has those pictures they will get into trouble just from someone else's fault.
ReplyDeleteamata.neva. I think that you are kind of right but I think that the girl or boy should try harder to keep them selves covered up and not sent pics. Like that over txting because they can’t control what there other person going to do with it so if they don’t send that kind of things to them they don’t have to worry about it. But I agree that if they do sent it all over the pace then they should get punished but not like older people may be they should get a ticket or something like that.
my opinion if you are over 18 and send a picture to a minor with consent then no you shouldn be charged with any consequences but in this world today every one more then likely will get it if u send it to a friend for thrill and you should no that it wont just be between to 2 people that sent and received it. once you send it, it is out there for any one to see, but if you take it personally and send it to someone else with out the persons consent of it then yes you should be charged
ReplyDeleteAlthough you have a very good point, I still disagree to punishment for a teen porn.
1. when you receive most of these texts you have no clue how old they are or even who they are. There for that is on the teen herself.
2. If people want to be protected there are some things you can do. Such as block picture texting and do not get involved with pornography.
3. If your child is involved with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend tell them to stay away from your computer and phone and get them their own! I would never take a chance like that because my child wants to see it on a big screen.
@kmiller.neva I totally agree
@asalazar I do agree with you On what you say all about that its the parents responsibility to watch the kids. That is why they have filters for cell phones. Also if you did it then your problem.
ReplyDeleteDave Love I don’t agree with you just because boys will be boys and girls will be girls. Older people know what they are doing and they know the girls are under age and they think of them in a sexual way but boys or even girls don’t they see it as a pay back or they shouldn’t sent those kinds of thinks of they don’t want any one to see them or even if there boy friend or girl friend want them to sent some think like that they don’t respect you. kassim
ReplyDelete@dustin... I agree with you a hundred percent
ReplyDelete@Amanda S.... what you are saying i completely agree with you
ReplyDelete@joshB First I have never had a nude picture of me or anyone on any of my phones so it would be kinda hard to track something that was never there. Second I didnt say it was wrong a have a picture like that on your phone if your not sending it around but if it is being sent then that is a different story.
ReplyDeleterpalomo.neva I also think the same way you do about sexting
ReplyDelete@vgarcia.neva... I think that your opioion on "sexting" is wrong and I dont not agree with what you think. We all have our opinions on things but my opinion is that they should not have such a BIG PUNISHMENT as what you where saying.
ReplyDelete@edavoult we arent talking about adults we are talking about teens who are sending out naked pictures of either themselves or of other people. Magazines are a totally different story because are of age and not under age there for it is not even close to underage kids sending out naked pictures.
ReplyDelete@Lshanks.... i don't agree with you, teens don't deserve to be punished as adults. If they do get caught with pictures on their phone, as their first punishment then they should be warned and if they do it again then they should get ticketed or something because being punished as an adult would be stupid in my own opinion.
ReplyDelete@nhobdell.neva... I agree with what you were saying 100% and MORE! Its very OUTRAGEOUS to give such a punishment.!
ReplyDelete@rpalomo... i agree with your opinion...
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ReplyDelete@lshanks. . . I am sorry to say I completely disagree with your opinion on this matter. I believe that if this "sexting" is going to be punishable at all it should have its own punishment. Not the same one as sex offenders. Sex offenders are usually older people who make young teen and toddlers pose nude for a camera. Now, are you saying "sexting" teens who willingly take these pictures and sending them are just as guilty as someone who forces young kids to take nude pictures?
ReplyDelete@nlucius . . . I Agree half way with you Honey. Teens sending pictures to other teens is
ReplyDeletefine. But someone older then 18 being charged the same as an old man who makes toddlers pose nude for the camera is an outrage. Lets say you had a girlfriend that was a few years older than you. . . . and she was being charged for having child pornography because you sent her a nude picture of yourself. Would you still think teens that "sext" are just as bad as real sex offenders just for having nude picture on a cell phone? Think about it for a second?
I do not think that teenagers should be charged as adults or receive the same punishment that adults receive. I do, however, believe that there should be a severe punishment for possession and/or distribution of what the law constitutes as child pornography whether it is consensual or not. I believe that the problem here is that teens do not realize the danger of sexting. If they do realize the danger, I believe that their justification is "Well...it won't happen to me."
ReplyDeleteFor your enlightening pleasure...
Her teen committed suicide over ‘sexting’
High School Teacher Recounts "Sexting" Ordeal That Ruined His Career
Teen 'sexting' fad dangerous game
I agree with the last article that charging teens and children as adults in these cases is extreme and unrealistic. I still do believe that there should be consequences however. The laws need to catch up to modern technology.